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According to statistics, the prevalence of kidney stones in Taiwan is about 10%, which is higher than many other countries. Why are kidney stones so easy to occur? Lu Media's "Life Times" interviewed Cai Donglian, the chief physician of the Nutrition Department of Changhai Hospital affiliated to China Second Military Medical University, and listed five risk factors that are easy to cause kidney stones. Most of them are related to "bad eating habits", which deserves everyone's attention. .

First, the amount of drinking water is insufficient

The formation of kidney stones is closely related to the lack of long-term drinking water. 70% of the human body is composed of water. Metabolism and detoxification require a lot of water. If the amount of water is insufficient, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, eventually leading to concentration of urine, precipitation of crystals, and kidney stones. To avoid kidney stones, the recommended amount of water per person per day is kg kg x 30 C.C.

Second, high salt diet

When the body's salt is excreted through the urine, it also increases the amount of urinary calcium excreted, causing the urinary calcium concentration to rise, causing calcium salts to deposit in the kidneys, causing repeated kidney stones. Cai Donglian suggested that when cooking, try to replace the frying with steaming. Add salt to the dish when cooking, and eat high-salt foods such as pickles and seasonings.

Third, intake too much high protein food

People who regularly eat meat or even meat as a staple food, because the protein is metabolized in the body, will increase the acidity of the urine, so the body balances the pH of the urine, which will release alkaline calcium, which leads to the combination of calcium and uric acid in the urinary system. Stones form inside. Adults need to consume 60-80 grams of protein per day. It is easy for people with large fish and large meat to exceed the standard. They should eat more fruits and vegetables and adjust the meat intake to prevent stones.

Fourth, sorghum food overdose

Animal internal organs and seafood are all sorghum foods, and the final metabolite of cockroaches is uric acid. Once the uric acid in the body is too high, stones may form. It is recommended that sorghum foods should not be overdose. When eating, drink more alcohol. Drink plenty of water to speed up sputum metabolism and discharge.

Five, high fat diet

Fat can hinder uric acid metabolism, leading to an increase in uric acid concentration, and when water intake is insufficient, it is easy to form stones. If you eat greasy food, remember to drink plenty of water to avoid stones.

Preventing the two myths of "kidney stones" diet

Spinach with tofu can lead to stones?

Cai Donglian said that spinach and tofu do produce calcium oxalate, but calcium oxalate can not be absorbed by the body, nor will it enter the urinary system, but will be excreted through the feces without any doubts about the stones.

Eating foods high in calcium can cause stones?

Many people will try to eat less tofu and drink milk because they are afraid of getting stones. However, Cai Donglian clarified that generally healthy adults or patients with stones do not need to deliberately avoid calcium-containing foods, because the components that form the stones will be precipitated under the specific urine pH. Moreover, an appropriate amount of calcium will combine with oxalic acid in the intestine to form calcium oxalate which is not easily absorbed, and has the effect of avoiding the occurrence of stones.

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